Inspiration Of Style: Plus-Size Model Images May Reduce Obsession With Thinness

A case of how the daily visual flood of images on TV, the web world and value associations in advertisements everywhere about us is forming our personal preference and thought culture …


The Huffington Post  |  By Nina Bahadur

Why are we obsessed with female bodies that are thin? A new study from England’s Durham University offers two theories — and one possible solution.

Researchers Lynda Boothroyd, Martin Tovée and Thomas Pollet asked why women in many Western cultures prefer a thin body. They looked at two psychological phenomena that might explain this: the “visual diet” of Western women and the process of associative learning.

The visual-diet theory suggests that preferences can be shaped by the level of visual exposure. In other words, the more images a woman sees of thin women, the more she will internalize the idea that their bodies are the normal ones and larger bodies are abnormal.

Associative learning occurs when individuals perceive a connection between a certain body size and positive traits. Thus, the more thinness is linked to health, wealth and prestige, the more women…

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