
SOROUSHA – A Millennial Work


One fallout of persisting at such an impossible mission is that the work in your hand does not aspire to be entertaining. It would be a huge bonus if it does but only while it serves to expose the inscrutable subject matter better, a little more effectively. It really is the umpteenth retelling of Yoga-Vedanta, evidence of which has been revealed since hoary times, in Vedic lore or Sanatana Dharma texts.

This work draws upon the texts to sketch the same alluded truths, and the truth of truths. It has been personally rediscovered and revalidated in every age since those ancient days, for the truth is universal and its realisation is impersonal. The Way presents very exacting demands on individuals used to wearing different coats to project the person we desire to be on particular occasions. It is a solitary man’s search into his own truth values and the saga of his long drawn effort yo align his being along life perspectives that transport the individual over into transcendence, into realms of consciousness that brooks no personal conditioning or identity.

Those values and perspectives are already available, evolved and well clarified over dozens of millennia, and are now set in common awareness among mainstream people in the Indian subcontinent. If few walk all the way, it is because most are compulsorily mired in personal economics and are affected by the global ways being set up by communal religious hordes. Besides, human nature is still addicted to objects for his entertainment and pleasure, same as it has ever been.


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Part I - ebook cover

kobo cover Part Ii



Ramana Advaita : A Clear Brief

 In Maharishi Ramana’s own words …

This is a special post.

Only very pertinent comments will be approved

What is reality ? 
You are the supreme reality to yourself – the Self, the I that remains the same, still and silent, awake and aware, through your wakeful, dream and deep sleep states in life, from birth through death. 

Clearly, it is not the ego-being that waxes and wanes with its happy and miserable experience. 
You are awareness. Awareness is your another name. Since you are awareness there is no need to attain or cultivate it.

Your present knowledge is due to the ego and is only relative. Relative knowledge requires a subject and an object, whereas the awareness of the Self is absolute and requires no object. 

People want to see the Self as something new. But it is eternal and remains the same all along. They desire to see it as a blazing light etc. How can it be so ? It is not light, not darkness. It is only as it is. It cannot be defined. 

When a man realises the Self, what will he see ? 
There is no seeing. There is only being. The state of Self-realisation, as we call it, is not attaining something new or reaching some goal which is far away, but simply being that which you always are and which you always have been. 

All that is needed is that you give up taking the not-true as true. All of us are regarding as real that which is not real. We have only to give up this practice on our part.

At one stage you will laugh at yourself for trying to discover the Self which is so self-evident. There is no seer there to see anything. The seer who is seeing all this now ceases to exist and the Self alone remains. 

For those who live in Self as the beauty devoid of thought, there is nothing which should be thought of. That which should be 
adhered to is only the experience of silence, because in that supreme state nothing exists to be attained other than oneself.

It is false to speak of realisation. What is there to realise ? The real is as it always is. We are not creating anything new or achieving something which we did not have before. 

The illustration given in books is this. We dig a well and create a huge pit. The space in the pit or well has not been created by us. We have just removed the earth which was filling the space there. The space was there then and is also there now. Similarly we have simply to throw out all the age-long samskaras [innate tendencies] which are inside us. When all of them have been given up, the Self will shine alone. 

Liberation is our very nature. We are that. The very fact that we wish for liberation shows that freedom from all bondage is our real nature. It is not to be freshly acquired. All that is necessary is to get rid of the false notion that we are bound. When we achieve that, there will be no desire or thought of any sort. So long as one desires liberation, so long, you may take it, one is in bondage.

If you remain as you are now, you are in the wakeful state; this becomes hidden in the dream state; and the dream state disappears when you are in deep sleep. You were there then, you are there now, and you are there at all times. The three states come and go, but you are always there. 

It is like a cinema. The screen is always there but several types of pictures appear on the screen and then disappear. Nothing sticks to the screen, it remains a screen. Similarly, you remain your own Self in all the three states. If you know that, the three states will not trouble you, just as the pictures which appear on the screen do not stick to it. On the screen, you sometimes see a huge ocean with endless waves; that disappears. Another time, you see fire spreading all around; that too disappears. The screen is there on both occasions. Did the screen get wet with the water or did it get burned by the fire? Nothing affected the screen. In the same way, the things that happen during the wakeful, dream and sleep states do not affect you at all; you remain your own Self. 

There is only one state, that of consciousness or awareness or existence. The three states of waking, dream and sleep cannot be real. They simply come and go. It is the seer who says these come and go. The seer and the seen together constitute the mind. See if there is such a thing as the mind. Then, the mind merges in the Self, and there is neither the seer nor the seen. So the real answer to your question is, `They neither come nor go.' 

What is the difference between the mind and the Self ? 
There is no difference. The mind turned inwards is the Self; turned outwards, it becomes the ego and all the world. Cotton made into various clothes we call by various names. Gold made into various ornaments, we call by various names. But all the clothes are cotton and all the ornaments gold. The one is real, the many are mere names and forms. 

But the mind does not exist apart from the Self, that is, it has no independent existence. The Self exists without the mind, never the mind without the Self. 

Brahman is said to be sat-chit-ananda. What does that mean ? 
Yes. That is so. That which is, is only sat – truth, being. That is called Brahman. The luster of sat is chit – consciousness, knowledge, awareness; and its nature is ananda -- bliss. These are not different from sat. All the three together are known as satchidananda. 

If a man thinks that his happiness is due to external causes and his possessions, it is reasonable to conclude that his happiness must increase with the increase of possessions and diminish in proportion to their diminution. Therefore if he is devoid of possessions, his happiness should be nil. 

What is the real experience of man ? Does it conform to this view ? 
In deep sleep man is devoid of possessions, including his own body. Instead of being unhappy he is quite happy. Everyone desires to sleep soundly. The conclusion is that happiness is inherent in man and is not due to external causes. One must realise the Self in order to open the store of unalloyed happiness.

Existence is the same as happiness and happiness is the same as being. The word mukti – liberation, freedom -- is so provoking. Why should one seek it ? One believes that there is bondage and therefore seeks liberation. But the fact is that there is no bondage but only liberation.

Parable of ten foolish men ...
The ten foolish men in the parable forded a stream and on reaching the other shore wanted to make sure that all of them had 
in fact safely crossed the stream. One of the ten began to count, but while counting the others left himself out. `I see only nine; sure enough, we have lost one. Who can it be ?' he said. 

`Did you count correctly ?' asked another, and did the counting himself. But he too counted only nine. One after the other, each of the ten counted only nine, missing himself. 

`We are only nine', they all agreed, `but who is the missing one?' they asked themselves. Every effort they made to discover the `missing' individual failed.

`Whoever he is that is drowned', said the most sentimental of the ten fools, `we have lost him.' So saying he burst into tears, and the others followed suit. 

Seeing them weeping on the river bank, a sympathetic wayfarer enquired about the cause. They related what had happened and said that even after counting themselves several times they could find no more than nine. On hearing the story, but seeing all the ten before him, the wayfarer guessed what had happened. 

In order to make them know for themselves they were really ten, that all of them had survived the crossing, he told them, `Let each of you count for himself but one after the other serially, one, two, three and so on, while I shall give you each a blow so that all of you may be sure of having been included in the count, and included only once. The tenth missing man will then be found.' 

Hearing this they rejoiced at the prospect of finding their `lost' comrade and accepted the method suggested by the wayfarer. While the kind wayfarer gave a blow to each of the ten in turn, he that got the blow counted himself aloud. `Ten,' said the last man as he got the last blow in his turn. Bewildered they looked at one another. 

`We are ten,' they said with one voice and thanked the wayfarer for having removed their grief. 

However often Bhagavan * teaches us, we are not able to understand. 
* reverential address, meaning God 

People say that they are not able to know the Self that is all pervading. What can I do ? 
Even the smallest child says, `I exist; I do; this is mine.' 
So, everyone understands that the thing `I' is always existent.

What is the ego-self ? How is it related to the real Self ? 
The ego-Self appears and disappears and is transitory, whereas the real Self is permanent. Though you are actually the true Self you wrongly identify the real Self with the ego-self. 

How does the mistake come about ? 
See if it has come about. 

One has to sublimate the ego-self into the true Self. 
The ego-self does not exist at all. 

Why does it give us trouble ? 
To whom is the trouble ? 
The trouble also is imagined. Trouble and pleasure are only for the ego. 

Why is the world so wrapped up in ignorance ? 
Take care of yourself. Let the world take care of itself. 
See your Self. If you are the body there is the gross world also. If you are spirit all is spirit alone. 

It will hold good for the individual, but what of the rest ? 
Do it first and then see if the question arises afterwards. 

Is there avidya [ignorance] ? 
For whom is it ?  For the ego-self. 
Yes, for the ego. Remove the ego and avidya is gone. Look for it, the ego vanishes and the real Self alone remains. The ego professing avidya is not to be seen. There is no avidya in reality. All sastras [scriptures] are meant to disprove the existence of avidya. 

How did the ego arise ? 
Ego is not. Otherwise do you admit of two selves ?

How has the unreal come ? Can the unreal spring from the real ? 
See if it has sprung. There is no such thing as the unreal, from another standpoint. The Self alone exists. When you try to trace the ego, which is the basis of the perception of the world and everything else, you find the ego does not exist at all and neither does all this creation that you see. 

It is cruel of God's leela (play) to make the knowledge of the Self so hard. 
Knowing the Self is being the Self, and being means existence, one's own existence. No one denies one's existence any more than one denies one's eyes, although one cannot see them. The trouble lies with your desire to objectify the Self, in the same way as you objectify your eyes when you place a mirror before them. You have been so accustomed to objectivity that you have lost the knowledge of yourself, simply because the Self cannot be objectified. 

Who is to know the Self ? Can the insentient body know it ?  All the time you speak and think of your `I', yet when questioned you deny knowledge of it. You are the Self, yet you ask how to know the Self. Where then is God's leela and where is its cruelty ? Because of this denial of the Self by people the sastras speak of maya, leela, etc. 

Does my realisation help others ? 
Yes, certainly. It is the best help possible. But there are no others to be helped. 

That will take some years. 
Why years ? The idea of time is only in your mind. It is not in the Self. There is no time for the Self. Time arises as an idea after the ego arises. But you are the Self beyond time and space. You exist even in the absence of time and space. 

All books say that the guidance of a Guru is necessary. 
The Guru will say only what I am saying now. He will not give you anything you have not already got. It is impossible for anyone to get what he has not got already.

I see you doing things. How can you say that you never perform actions ? 
The radio sings and speaks, but if you open it you will find no one inside. Similarly, my existence is like the space; thou this body speaks like the radio, there is no one inside as a doer. 

I find this hard to understand. Could you please elaborate on this ? 
Various illustrations are given in books to enable us to understand how the jnani can live and act without the mind, although living and acting require the use of the mind. The potter's wheel goes on turning round even after the potter has ceased to turn it because the pot is finished. In the same way, the electric fan goes on revolving for some minutes after we switch off the current. The prarabdha [predestined karma] which created the body will make it go through whatever activities it was meant for. But the jnani goes through all these activities without the notion that he is the doer of them. 

It is hard to understand how this is possible. The illustration generally given is that the jnani performs actions in some such way as a child that is roused from sleep to eat eats but does not remember next morning that it ate. 

It has to be remembered that all these explanations are not for the jnani. He knows and has no doubts. He knows that he is not the body and he knows that he is not doing anything even though his body may be engaged in some activity. These explanations are for the onlookers who think of the jnani as one with a body and cannot help identifying him with his body. 

You are Bhagavan. So you should know when I shall get jnana. 
Tell me when I shall be a jnani. 

If I am Bhagavan there is no one besides the Self - therefore no jnani or ajnani. If otherwise, I am as good as you are and know as much as yourself. Either way I cannot answer your question. 


Consecrated Bow

It is there, before me

Behind the breath in my bow

As I inhale and know

And exhale with that knowledge

Of the One that exists

That illuminates my being

Now bowed before it.

There is much

But nothing, nothing apart from it

In this entire universe

In which I am the dot

The fills it.

Let them who wonder

Wonder most

At this consciousness pure

Before and behind me

Above and below me

And in this bow

In which I am consecrated

As One to itself.

The Vedic Way

Why and whencefrom the Vedic Way ? The question is bound to occur among readers used to hearing supremacist beliefs blared into their ears. These beliefs are foremost in both Christianity and Islam who consider themselves especially favoured and their respective gods particularly supreme. The Vedic Way, quite apart from such claims to pedigree, rests on being true. It derives itself from reality, from how existence is and how our being across the three states offers clues for a conscious start by spiritual aspirants to live in truth and pursue their journey towards perfecting their realisation in truth. The whole method and prescribed details of the Vedic Way have their origin in witnessed facts observed in human experience and deeply contemplated upon for what is real, immutable and indestructible, in this very form of our mortal being.

How do we know it is true ? We would not without living in the Way by life and practices it recommends, its thought and values and its perspectives. There is no other way to know if it works, if it liberates our being of falsehoods and frees the self of its stakes in subtle and material worlds, and if it actually leads us to perfect realisation of the truth in respect of ourself.

The Vedic Way is a universal spiritual path that unites people with their own truth. It has no political leanings except in preservation of universal values, true perspectives and natural laws.

Excerpt from forthcoming work.

Top Posts On This Blog

It’s the all-time list…

The Shakuntala story is the top star, most viewed post.

Two among them are very special : one on Meena Kumari is a biographical review; the other is a film review of Mayrig, a two part series focused on an Armenian immigrant family in France.

A real surprise was the interest viewers showed in the “About” page.

One inclusion I am very partial to is a poem, about my personal Odyssey…

top blogposts - all time

Global Spread Of Blog…

This blog is nearing its 200,000 viewership, promising to cross the hump in a matter of a few days.

(I felt it would breach the milestone in a few days. But I was needlessly conservative : the viewership has already crossed the 200,000 mark, by the evening of this day !)

The viewership was highest in the year 2015.

I have always been curious about the global spread of its viewership, a daily glance at which has never failed to fill me at once with awe, gratitude, fraternity, shock and surprise.

Here it is, for 2015, for your joy and information.

Can you figure out the countries not in the list ?

Thank you very, very much !


Good Intro To A Book I Began Reading Today

It’s an introduction the author himself offers as a prelude or prologue.

quote from A Rogue By Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean

Langford…leveled Bourne with a cool look. “You should thank me for teaching you such a valuable lesson at such a young age. Unfortunately, now you’ve nothing but the clothes on your back and a manor house empty of its contents.”

The viscount cast a glance at the pile of coins on the table—the remainder of his winnings from the evening. “I shall leave you the money, how’s that? A parting gift, if you will. After all, what would your father say if I left you with nothing?”

Bourne shot up from his chair, knocking it back from the table. “You aren’t fit to speak of my father.”

Langford raised an eyebrow at the uncontrolled display, and he let silence reign for a long moment. “You know, I believe I shall take the money after all. And your membership to this club. It is time for you to leave.”

Bourne’s cheeks flamed as the words washed over him. His club membership. His land, servants, horses, clothes, everything. Everything but a house, a few acres of land, and a title.

A title now in disgrace.

The viscount lifted one side of his mouth in a mocking smile and flipped a guinea through the air toward Bourne who instinctively reached out, catching the gold coin as it glinted in the bright lights of White’s card room. “Spend it wisely, boy. It’s the last you’ll have from me.”

“Father,” Tommy tried again.

Langford turned on him. “Not another word. I won’t have you begging for him.”

Bourne’s oldest friend turned sad eyes on him, lifting his hands in a sign of helplessness. Tommy needed his father. Needed his money. His support.

Things Bourne no longer had himself.

Hatred flared hot and bright for the briefest of moments, before it was gone, extinguished by cold resolve, and Bourne placed the coin in his pocket and turned his back on his peers, his club, his world, and the life he had always known.

Vowing revenge.


How’s that ? Gripping, I’d say.

gamblers table

I Am Reading Now…

The Wild by Christopher Golden.

It is available as a free to read ebook on novel80.com

It is well written and engaging narration, especially for those of us who have or have had adventure in their heart.


After almost a week spent climbing the Chilkoot Trail, Jack’s bones ached and his muscles burned, but he felt alive in a way he believed few people would ever experience. Unshaven, unwashed, he nevertheless perceived himself as clean, somehow purified by the icy mountain air and his own backbreaking efforts. Away from his mother and her spiritual charlatanism—but more important, away from every job he’d ever had, every version of himself he’d ever tried to create—at last he could strip away the world’s expectations and find the man within.

Who is Jack London? he wondered, certain that this journey would bring him the answer.

Seen from the top of the pass, the remainder of the trail seemed like a gift. It leveled out and then began a gentle descent toward distant canyons.


That’s all folks !

Pick up the book if you are looking for one.


Married, The Hindu Way

Hindus do not marry into a contract, and almost never with a prenuptial. That can be difficult to understand, much less appreciate, for people of other faiths. Both Christians and Muslims, and those seculars who subscribe to legalese, can divorce their life partners on practically a whim, whatever rationale they make to justify that decision of theirs.

Everyone can remain faithful while there is pleasure derived joy to be had in the other’s company. And everybody feels like moving on when such encumbered love goes kaput, regardless of how cruel the act may seem to the docile partner. But that is precisely what the Hindu marriage restrains : divorce, for whatever reason. It deems the coming together as a divine call for staying together not only for this lifetime but for the next seven lives as well.

The basis of a Hindu marriage is not that magical attraction we call love. The want for a relationship is assuredly confirmed, as also the apparent mutual fitness to meet each other’s needs, to support each other in setting up a family and raising children with such education and skills, and values, as to be fit for leading their own family lives in due course. Assuring faithfulness at all times does indeed become difficult for every married Hindu person as well, especially through the early years when the relationship is highly prone to mutual conflicts or when the pleasure between the couple disappears for long or short while and one feels no “magical” love for the other.

Yet Hindu married couples would pull through these dry periods because the divine basis of their relationship remains unaffected. The emotional aridity in their lives is accepted as part of the relationship avowedly established between them, and is not opposed or rupturous to the the bonding itself. Howsoever such periods are weathered, the participants in the partnership remain together, allowing the phase to pass and ever hoping to enter into happier times through their respective ingenuity, understanding, effort, forebearance, and divine blessing.

In this sea of ephemerals, a Hindu union is uniquely miraculous device to keep families together, rendering a stronger foundation on which society itself is raised, economically and socially and politically, with enough alround empathey to spare. They tell us, “Please learn to love…,” again and again till we actually come to. That love is not hormonal; it is beyond the one based on our pleasure.

Young And Perceptive : A Hindu Heart Who Has Stood Up To Share

And it is worth hearing what Advocate Ananya Roy has shared on his blog. As you read his essays, largely biographical and keenly self-appraised, you can sense that his words are honest and true. I found it a great quality that appeals to my own mind and heart.

You can read through his sincere expressions here… 

I hope those interested will find his blog meaningful.

History Of Hindu India

There is very little to nothing left of so called “pagan” ways of life as they prevailed before the advent of Abrahamic religions, Christianity and Islam in particular. India is one and only country where the pagan continuity is preserved. The origins of the Hindu way of life goes about 20 millennia before present, and not 6000 BC as this introductory podcast suggests. The Indus Sarasvati Civilisation was preceded by Mahabharata era, Upanishad era, mature Vedic era, Ramayana era, Manu era, and Great Flood epoch. Barring the timeline inaccuracy, the attached video offers introductory briefs on several aspects of Hindu history and way of life, its science, society and culture, for those interested…

Bateshwar Temple Complex

It is ancient, starting around 600 AD.

Bateshwar is a remote area in Chambal river ravine, north of Gwalior and east of Morena in Madhya Pradesh. Spread over 25 acres, it offers an astonishing view of 80 temples now restored, out of 200 in ruin.

An amazing, amazing labour of love of both the creators over millennium ago and the restorers of recent decades ! And this great photo essay here, introducing the panorama and exposing its details.
via The Rebirth of Bateshwar – India’s Largest Jigsaw Puzzle

bateshwar temple complex

64-Female-Deities Temple, Millennium Old

Just came across a greatly detailed tour description of Chausath Yogini Temple in Orissa… A rare tour, amazing !

“Each idol is delightfully posed, many with a soft smile that enhances their attractiveness even further. They are all standing on their own pedestal or vahan, which typically consists of an animal, human head, or demon.

“The variety of their hairstyles, weapons and accessories is incredibly interesting and ensures no two images look alike. It is the details on some of these carvings that have suggested to some scholars the earlier 8th – 9th century date for this temple. Unlike other temples associated with tantrism, there are no erotic carvings to be found here.”

For more, please visit HERE.

Chausath Yogini Temple, Orissa

Peru : Everything Changed…

“The first case of coronavirus surprised us in Peru with 3 million families registered in a state of poverty and extreme poverty, with 3 million people in the peripheral areas of Lima without access to drinking water, with a poor and overcrowded health system, with forgotten communities, with everyone elbowing their way through.

“Only 10 days have passed. Nothing will be the same anymore. Everyone is important and everyone can contribute.”

A very encouraging report from Peru…



He He… @Twitter Quarantine

The site cited my tweet in which I had said “Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular are mentally ill people.”

What do you call a people who are dedicated to killing about 5 billion non-believers on earth !

And a nation that carries a begging bowl and normalises rampant child sex abuse, and still is committed to nurturing terror groups and warring with other nations, both being the mainstay of its foreign policy !?

I have expanded on my cited tweet here to let Twitter know its essence once again, even more clearly.

The suspension by Twitter means nothing to me. Nothing whatsoever… Because I do not need Twitter to hold my view. It is there, and there is nothing Twitter can do about it.

This quarantine is a sabbatical from a miniscule area of activity I would occasionally engage in…

Bali : Where A Tourist Turns Pilgrim

All that you may have heard about its the sprawling beaches and exotic resorts is true. But even then, Bali is essentially a temple town. And Balinese are deeply religious (Dharmic is a better word but has not parallel in English), wearing their Hindu-ness proudly.  As people of a Dharma that is inclusive and accepting “the other” like none other and propunding piety towards all living creatures as well as the nature around, why shouldn’t they!

Bali’s cultural confidence strikes you the minute you touch-down. After landing and before entering the airport building look right opposite. A huge image of  Bhagvan Vishnu on his Garuda stands with a divinely poise, at a distance, towering the “bhu-loka”; as if comforting the visitor that she was going to be safe, satisfied and sound in this sacred land. HE will be there always, watching over! The name “Bali” comes from the sanskrit word bali (small a) which  means offerings. Thus, Bali is the land of offerings, the land of gratitude.

What a substantial narrative of pure observation, connection and spiritual elevation !

Please read the whole recount @

Bali: A touristic pilgrimage

Wikipedia : The Rot It Carries

This article is being put up to highlight periodicals and magazines in West that concertedly peddle lies and half-truths, motivated distortions and outright propaganda, to cast India and its mainstream Indic people in bad light.

This one detailed, close investigation is about Wikipedia, its pages, its creators and moderators, and its systemic malprocesses to enter, monitor and modify information its pages carry. The facts revealed are eye opening, at least to me; they thoroughly discredit Wikipedia, its editors and its systems. I would no longer open its pages for any information I might need in future.

The endless string of violence that has gripped Delhi is one that cannot be seen in isolation. What started as protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (then Bill) and the National Registry for Citizens back in December, quickly morphed into anti-Hindu rants, violence and demonstrations all across the country. The Anti-Hindu Delhi riots are simply a manifestation of the aggression among Islamists that have been building up since then.

During the anti-Hindu riots, several horror stories emerged. That of Ankit Sharma who was murdered by Islamists, Dilwar Singh Negi whose hands and legs were chopped off before he was burnt alive, Ratan Lal, a police officer killed during duty or even the fact that Hindu women said that Muslim mobs in Chand Bagh forced their minor daughters to take off their clothes and were sent back home naked. While the international media and media propagandists in India maliciously started branding the Delhi anti-Hindu riots into an anti-Muslim pogrom, a useful tool in spreading the propaganda was Wikipedia.

During the Delhi anti-Hindu riots, there have been casualties from the Muslim side as well as expected in any conflict between two sides. However, the nature of a riot is meant to be established by the starting point of those riots, not what ensues later. By all evidence and measures, the Delhi riots were initiated by Islamists and the build-up lasted weeks.

To read the rest of article, please click here.


Chandragupta Maurya : Audio Story


Please visit this app based audio links for access to 14 episodes of Chandragupta Maurya’s story, his rise and departure, at a critical juncture in India’s history.

You can also download them for your hearing pleasure.

इंदौर का आडा बाजार, गाय और महारानी : अद्भुत घटना

एक बार मध्यप्रदेश के इन्दौर नगर में एक रास्ते से ‘महारानी देवी अहिल्यावाई होल्कर के पुत्र मालोजीराव’ का रथ निकला तो उनके रास्ते में हाल ही की जनी गाय का एक बछड़ा सामने आ गया। गाय अपने बछड़े को बचाने दौड़ी तब तक मालोरावजी का ‘रथ गाय के बछड़े को कुचलता’ हुआ आगे बढ़ गया। […]

via — Free Hindi ebooks

It’s A While, Dear Readers !

Yes, quite a while since I put up something new. But the 850 odd entries from before continue to engage readers across the globe, without slack. The warmth it leaves in my heart makes the effort more rewarding than my expectations. Thank you very much.

Somewhere in this pile, there is evidence of my involvement in INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION movement during the Silence Singh govt, back driven by Gandhi family dynasts. Alas, my hopes were dashed then; the IAC leadership proved to be just as so many wannabes who spun off into a political outfit infamous by now for lying, left style propaganda, lowlife behaviour and self serving interests. Despair loomed large despite the daily struggle of reading through reams of scam reports and finding little objectivity in discussions on co-opted mainstream media platforms against the perpetrators. Then the 2014 general elections were announced. The rest is history.

Goodness prevails since then with relatively corruption free, development oriented and poor enabling governance. But every good thing has a shelf life and, I believe, the mainstream people of this country will begin looking about for an alternative, a better than the good one they would have had through its decade long tenure. I would be a little too old by then, more medically hamstrung and less drawn to political happenings.

What would still engage me, perhaps even more than now, is the all encompassing Vedanta truth, Yoga practice, secret keys to the invisible Vedic Way, and culturally codified Dharma in epics, puranic texts, spiritually rich popular observances, and folk lores. And the people of this ancient nation, who are first hiers to all of these. I hope they progress economically upto that point of inflexion, whereafter materialism begins to overwhelm their personal beings. I trust the nation’s history, in which its knowledge traditions has won over ideological cultural imports and continuity has limited new age ways of living to tiny urban pockets. Both the people and the Way, and the underpinning legacy they contain, are precious to me.

I have written about my own experience of (Raja)Yoga and Vedanda realisations. It became an unwieldy tome of over 600 book size pages and had to be split into four paperback parts, apart the consolidated hard cover work. Ebook forms of two of the parts, EXTENDED BEING and THE VEDA, previously published on Draft2Digital, are now available on Kobo. They are at present in pre-order phase and will remain thus until their release on July 12 and 19, respectively. Please reach out for them on Kobo > ebooks, search them up by name, read up their descriptions and preview them. They are vested with much effort and close care, and the same sincerity you have always found in my words, if not perfection. Buy them for yourself as lifetime reads of true expression, beyond their impressive features or entertainment value.

Part I - ebook cover

kobo cover Part Ii

One of these days, I will also find a way to make these available in print.

Thank you, dear Readers, for taking the viewership of this blog closer to 200,000 mark !



What Have You Done, Modi Ji !

That is, speaking anecdotically, after a forenoon spent through election results announced for India’s Parliament, for its next 5-year term…

Amma ji : Kitchen will remain closed this evening. She then walked out of the house saying, do not wait for me for high tea.

Pita ji : Bring my whiskey bottle, son. I now know, he would be sprawled on his long easy chair and would doze off snoring through the rest of the afternoon. How he is so quiet though, bests me !

Beta ji : Mummy, will be late. Will have dinner with friends. Yeah, yeah…will leave my car at my friend’s. Yeah, yeah…will take a cab home.

Huh. Hah.

Kya karte ho , Modi ji !

Sorry. Kya kya karte ho, Modi ji ! ! !